HantaVirus: A New Virus Found In China HantaVirus Killed A man In China.
HantaVirus: A New Virus Found In China HantaVirus
Hantavirus is a family of viruses in the order Bunyavirales. It is named after the Hantan River area in South Korea where an early outbreak of one of its species was observed.
It is the newest virus observed in China and recently is has killed a man in china. 32 others are been tested for this virus. The man was travelling in a bus and after his death the testes were done and reports say that the man was Positive For HANTAVIRUS and the other 2 people travelling through that bus are also been tested for the virus but they have been tested negative as this virus do not spread for touching or man to man. Is has been assumed that this virus has entered that man as he would have breathed in contaminated air. The virus must be in the air.
A person from Yunnan Province died while on his way back to Shandong Province for work on a chartered bus on Monday. He was tested positive for #hantavirus. Other 32 people on bus were tested.
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It is not a good news as the whole world is still fighting with the CORONA Virus and this HANTAVIRUS has come into the market as if a surprrise or a bonus.
But lets see what happens to this virus.